Family Name SCHAPIRO
Maiden Name
Other Names
Given Name Asriel Behr / Boris
Father Awsey / Owsey Hirsch
Mother Tonja / Fanny nee KOWARSKY
Approximate Date of Birth 1920-11-15
Place of Birth Daugavpils
Approximate Date of Death 1994
Place of Death Riga
Place of Residence Before the War Riga, Daugavpils
Place of Residence During the War USSR, Uzbekistan
Occupation LU, student
Gender Male
Marital Status Single
Fate during the years 1941-1945 Fled, Red Army, survived
  • [1] Censuses
  • [2] House Registers
  • [3] Birth Records
  • [7] Passports and Passport Books; Photo
  • [15] "Survivors' Registry Search," 1999-2002, USHMM.
  • [17] Vatere Е. Latvian Jews in fight against Nazism. 2005.
  • [394]
  • [453] Files of Students of University of Latvia
Additional Notes